Tag: Asian American Zero Waste Blogger

6 Tips for Plastic-Free Makeup

6 Tips for Plastic-Free Makeup

If you look at your makeup bag right now, chances are nearly every single item would contain plastic. From the packaging to the palettes, even the bristles of the brushes, it can all be plastic. Here are some great ways to avoid all that disposable plastic.

The 5 Outfits I Wear to Work

The 5 Outfits I Wear to Work

Ever look at your closet full of clothes and feel like you have nothing to wear? By creating a capsule wardrobe you can streamline your closet and never feel that way again! See the five outfits in my winter work capsule wardrobe.

What I Packed for a Day Trip to LA

What I Packed for a Day Trip to LA

I flew down to LA last minute for a workshop on branding. Normally, I’m not a last-minute person. Being super Type-A I like to plan ahead.

So, when I heard about this workshop, I started to panic just a little. What was the workshop?

You see, I had been thinking of writing a blog for a while, but it wasn’t until I read Influencer by Brittany Hennessy that I actually got off my butt and did it. Brittany’s book was the final push I needed, and I am FOREVER grateful to her.

Anyways, after posting about books and tagging her as the inspiration for my blog, she responded to my post and mentioned she was having a workshop in LA that weekend!

This was on a Tuesday and the workshop was on that Saturday. Like I said, short notice. Thinking of the logistics and making sure my kids were set with my husband put me in a flurry.

My initial instinct was to say, “O well, it’s too late”. But the more I thought about it, the more I felt I HAD to go. Although she was having 5 other workshops throughout the year and across the country, all the other ones were much further away.

Like Brittany has done previously in my life, she pushed me to just do it!


By now I’m pretty good at packing for trips. I have a standard checklist of items I use for myself and for my kids. I was planning to fly in and out in a day so I wouldn’t need to pack extra clothes or toiletries.

So, here it is, what I packed for a day trip to LA:

  • small wristlet with my wallet and keys
  • sunglass case
  • sunglasses
  • laptop (charger not pictured)
  • notebook
  • Kindle case
  • Kindle
  • iphone charger
  • reusable coffee cup
  • silicone pouch with nuts & raisins
  • battery bank
  • reusable water bottle
  • stainless steel container with gummy bears
  • cloth napkin
  • utensils
  • metal food container
  • beeswax wrap for my breakfast burrito

All these items fit in my tote bag and they came in handy for my jet-setting day!


Starting at the airport, I was able to refill my reusable water bottle as soon as I got through security. I love TSA pre-check since it means I get to leave my shoes and coat on and leave any liquids in my bag. The TSA pre-check line is also always MUCH shorter.

Anyways, I see more and more of these water stations popping up in airports and the savvy ones always have one right after security.

If the airport you’re at doesn’t have one after security, you can check near the bathrooms. There’s usually one there or at the very least there will be a water fountain.

If none of those are available to you, then find a fast food kiosk that has a soda dispenser and look for a water button. I’ve also gone to an airport bar and asked the bartender, with a smile, to fill up my water bottle. They’re usually more than happy to fulfill this request.


I had an early morning flight, so I made myself a breakfast burrito the night before and wrapped it with a beeswax wrap. It was the perfect portable breakfast for the plane ride, and it didn’t cost me $12!

During the ride I enjoyed my burrito while I finished re-reading “Influencers” on my Kindle. I wanted to refresh my brain on some of Brittany’s main points for the workshop.

After I landed at LAX, I knew I would need some coffee for my 30+ minute ride to the workshop. So, I scouted out an airport cafe and asked for my coffee in my to-go cup.


After grabbing some coffee, I had to figure out LAX’s new ride-sharing program, called LAX-it (pronounced L.A. exit). I had heard all about the chaos for this new ride-sharing area on the news and wasn’t looking forward to having to navigate it. One of the other reasons I was anxious about my trip is that I’ve NEVER called an Uber before. I know, what?

I’ve been IN an Uber twice (once even in the Netherlands!) but never needed to call one myself. How can this be? Well, when Uber first started out, I lived in DC. I lived two blocks from the metro and could get everywhere so easily.

Then we had my first child. Uber and car seats don’t mix, so I’ve never needed an Uber…until now.

And of course, like most things, there was nothing to worry about. I could have taken the free shuttle which takes 15 minutes or walk two minutes down the street to the parking area where you can get picked up. Like always, people blow things out of proportion and it was easy.

I waited maybe 15 minutes for my Uber to arrive. I took an Uber Pool because I’m cheap and like to talk to people and made it to my destination in downtown LA.


The workshop was amazing. It was like drinking out of a fire hose for 5 hours. I had so much to absorb and I’m still working through the to-do list I created from it.

The other reason I chose the LA workshop is that I figured it would have an interesting mix of attendees and I was not disappointed! I met some amazingly talented people like Adela Guerra, an actress and lifestyle entrepreneur, and Mike Ganino, a public-speaking coach and podcast host.

I also met travel bloggers, a professor of Anthropology, and a woman who recently retired and was looking for a second career. Not only did I learn loads from Brittany, I learned so much from the experiences of the other attendees.

And since the workshop was so jam packed, we didn’t get to until 2pm, so those snacks I packed came in handy!


After the workshop, I called my second ever Uber to the airport. Again, I pooled. When I got to the airport I sat at the bar and started digesting all the I had learned that day…with a glass of wine, of course.

I had a 6:15pm flight but since I had just eaten at 2pm, I wasn’t hungry. But I knew I would be hungry on the plane. So, I ordered a salad at the bar. It came on a reusable plate with a reusable fork. I took a few bites and then packed the rest in my reusable metal food container. I wrapped the container with my cloth napkin just to make sure it wouldn’t leak.

To wrap my container, I simply placed it in the middle of the napkin. Then I took two opposite corners and tied them together. I then took the other two opposite corners and tie them together. Et Voila!

On the flight, I enjoyed my salad and read on my Kindle. I cram so much in during the weeks that I rarely get uninterrupted time to read. So, when I get the chance to fly by myself, I cruise through my stack of unread books.

What do you think? Does this give you some ideas on how you can avoid plastics when on a day trip? What are some of your go-to items for day trips? Tell me in the comments!

For related and random posts, check out:

Olivia for the Ocean - Plastic-Free Living
Olivia for the Ocean - Plastic-Free Living
A Day in My Plastic-Free Life: Part 2

A Day in My Plastic-Free Life: Part 2

Follow me around during a typical Saturday in my plastic-free life. See my routine and the tools I used to live without disposable plastics!

5 Tips for a Plastic-Free Workout

5 Tips for a Plastic-Free Workout

Working out can involve a lot of plastic. From plastic water bottles, to plastic energy bars and even plastic in your workout clothes, plastic is everywhere. Follow these 5 tips for a plastic-free workout.