Plastic-Free Periods

Plastic-Free Periods

Periods are no fun. Cramps, aching, and always working about a leak. To top it off, there’s all the plastic waste–from wrappers to pads or applicators there’s plastic in nearly every part. In 2018, the US bought over 5.8 billion tampons! That’s a lot of plastic heading to the landfill each month.

Luckily, there are many options when it comes to plastic-free periods. The main three options are: reusable pads, period panties, and menstrual cups.

Reusable Pads

Reusable pads are made of cloth. The top layers are usually made from bamboo or cotton and the bottom layers are made of something more water proof like polyester. You simply attach them to your underwear using the snap button.

Once used, you rinse it off with cold water and add it to your regular laundry. If you’re out and about on your period, bring a small waterproof bag to store your used cloth pad. It’s a little splurge, but I love the “splash proof” bags from Aloha Collection.

These bags are also great for carrying around a wet swimsuit or makeup!

Period Panties

Period panties are essentially underwear with a built in pad. The most popular brand is Thinx. These are made of organic cotton.

Similar to reusable pads, once you’re finished you rinse it off with cold water and add it to your laundry. Period panties are more absorbent than reusable pads and thus can be changed less often depending on flow.

Menstrual Cups

I love my menstrual cup! The best part is not having to change it for 12 hours. Menstrual cups are generally made from medical grade silicone.

It takes a little practice to insert a menstrual cup correctly but after you get the hang of it, it’s pretty simple.

What do you think? Do you already use one of these options? Do you have another suggestion? Tell me in the comments!

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