A Simple Guide to a Plastic-Free Thanksgiving

A Simple Guide to a Plastic-Free Thanksgiving

It’s time to gather, enjoy the company of those we love, watch football and of course, eat! Unfortunately, along with holiday cheer, Thanksgiving can also bring a lot of plastic waste. Use this simple guide to help you avoid all the extra plastic.

Simple Guide to a Plastic-Free Halloween

Simple Guide to a Plastic-Free Halloween

From plastic candy wrappers to cheaply made Halloween costumes made from polyester (aka plastic), Halloween can come with A LOT of plastic waste. Follow these tips to avoid some of that waste.

5 Ways to Avoid Microplastic Pollution

5 Ways to Avoid Microplastic Pollution

Microplastics have been found in the deepest trenches of the ocean and on the peaks of the highest mountains. Now more than ever, it’s important to avoid and eliminate microplastic pollution.

Plastic-Free School Supplies

Plastic-Free School Supplies

Look through any kid’s desk and you’ll find a load of plastic. From markers and pens, to binders and pencil boxes. And unfortunately, most of it is cheap plastic and will be broken and landfill bound by the end of the school year. Here are some plastic-free school supplies that can help tackle some of that plastic waste.

5 Tips for Your 1st Plastic-Free July

5 Tips for Your 1st Plastic-Free July

Plastic-Free July is a global challenge where people refuse single-use plastics for the whole month of July. If refusing single-use plastics for a whole month seems daunting, don’t worry, here are some tips to get you started on the right foot.