Author: oliviafortheocean

All My Trash for August 2021

All My Trash for August 2021

I live a generally plastic-free lifestyle but I’m not 100% plastic-free…yet. So, to see where the last 1% of my trash was coming from, I started keeping track of all of it. At the end of each month, I look to see where I can improve.

6 Things I’d Grab in a Fire

6 Things I’d Grab in a Fire

With the increasing intensity and frequency of wildfires, it’s important to be prepared! Here’s what I’d grab in case of a fire.

What I Packed for a Week-Long Trip to San Diego

What I Packed for a Week-Long Trip to San Diego

At the end of July, we drove down to San Diego for a week. It was awesome to visit family and get some solid surfing in! Being a minimalist who’s obsessed with efficiency, I love seeing how little I can pack for a trip. If I’m flying, I can usually go 2 weeks with just a carry on and a purse. I HATE checking my bags, so I avoid it like the plague!

So, for this trip, I fit everything I needed into two tote bags:

The tote bag is from Aloha Collection. I love their Hawaiian-inspired prints and their splash-proof designs. The don’t sell the bag I have anymore, but this one below is nearly the same but just a hair larger:

Onto what’s inside the bags.

You encounter way more plastics when you’re on-the-go and traveling. Everything is about convenience and usually packaged to be thrown away. So, I have some key items with me when on the road or in the air:

  • reusable water bottle
  • reusable coffee cup
  • utensil roll with cloth napkin, fork, and spoon

These items will get me to my destination without having to use any single-use plastics. And here’s the rest of what’s inside my bag:

Here’s the image with some labels:

Here’s the list of everything else I packed:

  • sunglasses & case
  • purse
  • wallet & keys
  • jewerly
  • laptop, case, chargers
  • book
  • glasses & case
  • Altoids Tin with dry toiletries (see below)
  • exercise bands
  • 8 pairs of underwear
  • 2 pairs of socks
  • 2 bathing suits
  • sports bra
  • workout clothes
  • PJs
  • 5 dresses
  • Toiletries (see below)
  • makeup
  • laundry bag
  • wet bag
  • sandals
  • heels
  • running shoes

I realize that bringing running shoes and workout clothes was aspirational–especially since I knew I would be surfing everyday. But I figured my husband might want to go hiking, so those clothes and shoes could double for that purpose. Of course, I didn’t end up using them. 😛

In general, I try to repeat an outfit while traveling so I don’t bring an outfit for each day. I do the same thing at home in that I wouldn’t wash my clothes after one use. I do, however, bring one pair of underwear for each day and then an extra.

While I’m flying or in the car, I usually wear jeans, a tank top, jacket and flip flops or a dress with a jacket and flip flops.

As for what’s in my toiletries, here’s a breakdown:

  • sunflower or olive oil for moisturizer
  • deodorant in paper tube by Meow Meow Tweet
  • refillable leave-in conditioner spray
  • Burt’s Bees lip balm
  • extra contacts
  • contact solution
  • contact case
  • tongue scraper
  • silk floss
  • toothpaste in metal tube (when you get low on toothpaste, throw it in your travel bag!)
  • bamboo toothbrush with boar hair bristles

For toiletries, instead of buying travel-sized toiletries, buy small refillable bottles and fill them up with the stuff you already use. As noted above, when I get down to the end of my toothpaste, I throw it in my travel bag instead of buying tiny tube of toothpaste.

And here are the details of my dry toiletries:

  • tweezers
  • nail clipper
  • bamboo Q-tips
  • broken bamboo comb (fits nicely in the tin now that’s it’s broken :P)
  • hair ties
  • hair clips

An Altoids tin is the perfect size for small loose items. It’s also a good size for a travel first aid kit or to corral headphones.

What do you think? Are you a minimalist or maximalist packer?

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Olivia for the Ocean - Plastic-Free Living
Olivia for the Ocean - Plastic-Free Living
All My Trash for July 2021

All My Trash for July 2021

I live a generally plastic-free lifestyle but I’m not 100% plastic-free…yet. So, to see where the last 1% of my trash was coming from, I started keeping track of all of it. At the end of each month, I look to see where I can improve.

My 5 Favorite Packing Hacks

My 5 Favorite Packing Hacks

I love traveling! And being an organization and efficiency nerd, I love packing almost as much. Having been on many trips, I’ve figured out a few hacks when packing my bags. Here are my five favorite packing hacks.