5 Unexpected Benefits of Plastic-Free Living

5 Unexpected Benefits of Plastic-Free Living

Plastic-free living takes a bit of effort but it’s worth it. Besides the obvious of using less plastics, which means less plastic in the environment, there are many unexpected benefits. Here are five of them:

Beautiful Aesthetics

If you watch any show about organizing or just search the hashtag, you’ll find some beautiful pantries where the loose items are stored in coordinating containers.

After going plastic-free, I realized that our eyes are being “yelled at” all day long by thousands of brands. And that giving my eyes a break by buying things without packages was the best!

Things look so much cleaner and organized without packaging:

My shower went from being an ad for Pantene Pro-V, St. Ives, and Herbal Essences, to a minimal chic shower where my eyes weren’t subconsciously reading brand names:

The lack of branding makes my shower and so many other spaces in my house much more beautiful and calming.

Homemade Tortillas

I know, this is very specific but I LOVE Tortillas! Tacos are one of my favorite foods and I used to buy tortillas every week. The plastic bag only had six tortillas and they were expensive!

After going plastic-free and needing to find a solution, I tried making my own tortillas. BEST IDEA EVER! Nothing beats a tortilla hot off the pan.

And even better, it’s easy and there’s no preservatives or random ingredients I can’t pronounce! Just flour, water, salt, and some sort of fat (butter, olive oil, or lard). See the recipe here.

Olivia for the Ocean - Plastic-free Living

Eating & Feeling Healthier

Homemade tortillas brings me to my next point. Going plastic-free has pushed me to eat healthier and in turn, I feel healthier. If I can’t find Oreos in a bulk bin, I don’t eat Oreos…unless I want to add an Oreos bag to my trash audits. (Which I don’t.)

Olivia for the Ocean - Plastic-Free Living

In general, the most plastic-free area of the grocery store is the produce section. By going plastic-free, I eat more fruits and vegetables. And if I really want something that normally comes packaged, I have to figure out how to make it myself.

Fun Challenges

Speaking of figuring out things…plastic-free living is like one big puzzle. Being an engineer, I love solving things. Since we live in a world where plastic seems nearly unavoidable, trying to avoid plastics becomes an interesting game to me. (Clearly, I’ve always been that girl who if told they can’t do something will prove otherwise.)

Figuring out creative solutions, like getting tortillas and chips from my local taqueria, or pre-COVID, taking my beeswax wraps to the deli to get blocks of cheese, makes plastic-free living a fun game instead of a painful chore. Plus, learning how to make things for myself has been equally rewarding.

Spending More Time & Money on Things That Matter

Finally, one of the best things about plastic-free living is that I spend my time and money on things that align with my values. Before I got serious about going plastic-free, I used to spend money on random crap. I felt like I was always at Target or the outlet. Now, my monthly spending is less, and the majority of it is spent at the farmer’s market where I support local farmers who work to feed my family.

Since I spend less time shopping, I spend more time doing things that actually make me happy–like playing with my kids, cooking and writing this blog!

What do you think? What are some of the unexpected benefits you’ve discovered since starting your plastic-free journey? Tell me in the comments!

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Olivia for the Ocean - Plastic-Free Living
Olivia for the Ocean - Plastic-Free Living