3 Reasons Why I Still Go Black Friday Shopping

I’ve seen a lot of posts lately calling people to buy nothing this weekend. I get it. Black Friday is a notoriously consumerist day which is counter to environmentalism. It’s another made up day marketed towards getting the masses to buy things they don’t need. But there are a few reasons why I participate anyways.
Discounted Prices on Things I Was Already Planning to Buy
I know good prices are why a lot of people line up at unspeakable hours but for me, it’s perhaps a little different. I don’t shop and buy things because they are on sale. I wait for a sale to shop and buy things.
Being a minimalist, I try to limit the amount of “stuff” I bring into my house. And so, I generally already have what I need. Over the years there have been a few exceptions.
Since going plastic-free, I’ve realized that the majority of my wardrobe was made from synthetic fibers. And since synthetic fibers are essentially made from plastic, when they are washed, they shed tiny plastic microfibers into our wastewater system and then out into the ocean.
So, I’ve been trying to slowly swap out all the synthetic fibers for natural fibers. Since I knew I needed to swap out two of my sweaters, I waited until the Black Friday sales started prior to purchasing the sweaters. This involved shopping and looking for what I wanted prior to Black Friday.
So, if you want to get Black Friday prices and not come home with a lot of junk you don’t need, make sure you set some clear guidelines for what you’re looking for.
Support Local or Smaller Businesses

The sweaters mentioned above are from a company called Pact. I’ve mentioned before that I love their clothes because they are made with organic cotton. Even though there’s Small Business Saturday, Black Friday is a good opportunity to support local and/or small businesses.
Get a Jump Start on Christmas Shopping

In previous years, I also used Black Friday to get a jump on Christmas shopping. This was before I stopped exchanging gifts with my friends. Pre-COVID, we would go to dinner together or just hang out instead of exchanging gifts.
Now, my Christmas shopping list is very short. Being Asian, we generally give money to our elders and younger kids who have outgrown toys. But I still will take advantage of the pricing to buy a present or two for my kids.
What do you think? Do you shop on Black Friday or do you Opt-Outside? Tell me in the comments?
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